Mutable Sprites


Mutable Sprites are an alternative API for Sprites and Textures which drastically reduce the amount of Garbage Collection (GC) required by the JavaScript engine. This can result in big performance improvements, especially in dropped frames due to regular GC. To do this they rely on mutating state and props instead of always returning new objects.

A Custom Sprite may contain a Mutable Sprite, but not vice versa. The Top-Level Game Sprite also cannot be Mutable.

You can create a Mutable Sprite with the makeMutableSprite function, which is similar to a Sprite but with a few differences:

import { makeMutableSprite, t2 } from "@replay/core";
import { Player } from "./player";
export const Level = makeMutableSprite({
init() {
return { playerX: 0 };
loop({ state }) {
render({ state }) {
return [
radius: 20,
color: "purple",
(thisProps) => {
thisProps.x = state.playerX;
rotation: 10,
color: "red",
(thisProps) => {
thisProps.x = state.playerX;

The loop method of the Level Mutable Sprite no longer needs to return a new state, instead you can mutate the state object directly.

The render function is returning a circle Mutable Texture and a single Player Mutable Sprite. Use t2 instead of t for Mutable Textures. Instead of taking a single props argument, the 1st argument is the initial props, and the 2nd argument is an update callback which is run every frame. thisProps can be mutated to update the props being passed to circle or Player.


The render function is only called once after init. All updates are applied through update callbacks like the 2nd argument of Player.Single.

To call a Mutable Sprite from a Custom Sprite, make sure an id prop is passed in (they're not required within Mutable Sprites):

import { makeSprite } from "@replay/core";
import { Item } from "./item";
export const Player = makeSprite({
render({ props }) {
return [
id: "Item",
item: props.item,


MySprite.Single(props, update)#

Render a single Mutable Sprite.


  1. props: The initial props for the Sprite.
  2. update(thisProps): (Optional) Callback to mutate the Sprite's props.

MySprite.Array({ props, array, key, update, updateAll, filter })#

Render an array of Mutable Sprites.


An object with the following properties:

  • props(itemState, index): A function returning Sprite's props. This is called for each new element in the array with the element's value itemState and its position in the array index.
  • array(): A function returning the array data to render.
  • key(itemState, index): (Optional) A function returning a unique (within the array) id string or number. You can just return index to avoid creating strings every frame if you don't need to preserve state.
  • update(thisProps, itemState, index): (Optional) Callback to mutate the Sprite's props.
  • updateAll(thisProps): (Optional) Callback to mutate props for all Sprites in the array. This can avoid repeated calculations for every Sprite.
  • filter(itemState, index): (Optional) A function returning whether to render an element (true) or not (false).

t2.text(props, update)#


  1. props: Partial of text Texture props.
  2. update(thisProps): (Optional) Callback to mutate the texture's props.

t2.textArray({ props, array, update, mask, testId })#


An object with the following properties:

  • props(itemState, index): A function returning partial of text Texture props. This is called for each new element in the array with the element's value itemState and its position in the array index.
  • array(): A function returning the array data to render.
  • update(thisProps, itemState, index): (Optional) Callback to mutate the texture's props.
  • mask: (Optional) A Mask for all elements.
  • testId(itemState, index): (Optional) A function returning a unique test id string, used by Replay Test., update)#


  1. props: Partial of circle Texture props.
  2. update(thisProps): (Optional) Callback to mutate the texture's props.

t2.circleArray({ props, array, update, mask, testId })#


An object with the following properties:

  • props(itemState, index): A function returning partial of circle Texture props. This is called for each new element in the array with the element's value itemState and its position in the array index.
  • array(): A function returning the array data to render.
  • update(thisProps, itemState, index): (Optional) Callback to mutate the texture's props.
  • mask: (Optional) A Mask for all elements.
  • testId(itemState, index): (Optional) A function returning a unique test id string, used by Replay Test.

t2.rectangle(props, update)#


  1. props: Partial of rectangle Texture props.
  2. update(thisProps): (Optional) Callback to mutate the texture's props.

t2.rectangleArray({ props, array, update, mask, testId })#


An object with the following properties:

  • props(itemState, index): A function returning partial of rectangle array Texture props. This is called for each new element in the array with the element's value itemState and its position in the array index.
  • array(): A function returning the array data to render.
  • update(thisProps, itemState, index): (Optional) Callback to mutate the texture's props.
  • mask: (Optional) A Mask for all elements.
  • testId(itemState, index): (Optional) A function returning a unique test id string, used by Replay Test.

t2.line(props, update)#


  1. props: Partial of line Texture props.
  2. update(thisProps): (Optional) Callback to mutate the texture's props.

t2.lineArray({ props, array, update, mask, testId })#


An object with the following properties:

  • props(itemState, index): A function returning partial of line Texture props. This is called for each new element in the array with the element's value itemState and its position in the array index.
  • array(): A function returning the array data to render.
  • update(thisProps, itemState, index): (Optional) Callback to mutate the texture's props.
  • mask: (Optional) A Mask for all elements.
  • testId(itemState, index): (Optional) A function returning a unique test id string, used by Replay Test.

t2.image(props, update)#


  1. props: Partial of image Texture props.
  2. update(thisProps): (Optional) Callback to mutate the texture's props.

t2.imageArray({ props, array, update, mask, testId })#


An object with the following properties:

  • props(itemState, index): A function returning partial of image array Texture props. This is called for each new element in the array with the element's value itemState and its position in the array index.
  • array(): A function returning the array data to render.
  • update(thisProps, itemState, index): (Optional) Callback to mutate the texture's props.
  • mask: (Optional) A Mask for all elements.
  • testId(itemState, index): (Optional) A function returning a unique test id string, used by Replay Test.

t2.spriteSheet(props, update)#


  1. props: Partial of sprite sheet Texture props.
  2. update(thisProps): (Optional) Callback to mutate the texture's props.

r.if(condition, sprites)#


  1. condition(): A function that returns a boolean.
  2. sprites(): A function returning an array of Mutable Sprites to render only if the 1st argument returns true.

r.ifElse(condition, trueSprites, falseSprites)#


  1. condition(): A function that returns a boolean.
  2. trueSprites(): A function returning an array of Mutable Sprites to render only if the 1st argument returns true.
  3. falseSprites(): A function returning an array of Mutable Sprites to render only if the 1st argument returns false.

r.onChange(value, sprites)#


  1. value(): A function that returns a value to watch.
  2. sprites(): A function returning an array of Mutable Sprites. This will re-render whenever the value returned changes (prev !== new). (This will cause Sprites to unmount and remount, which will reset their state.)


  1. fn(): A function that runs every frame.


import { t2, r, makeMutableSprite } from "@replay/core";
export const MyMutSprite = makeMutableSprite({
init() {
return {
score: 0,
enemies: [
{ x: 40, y: 0, id: "1" },
{ x: 10, y: 20, id: "2" },
loop({ state }) {
// Mutate state directly here, no need to return it
if (state.score < 100) {
if (state.score === 50) {
state.enemies.unshift({ x: -50, y: 0, id: "3" });
let indexToRemove = -1;
state.enemies.forEach((enemy, index) => {
if (enemy.x > 75) {
indexToRemove = index;
if (indexToRemove >= 0) {
state.enemies.splice(indexToRemove, 1);
render({ state, props }) {
// This function is only called once
return [
// Use t2 instead of t
// First parameter is the initial props (which don't need to update)
{ color: "black", y: 25 },
// Second parameter is the update function which is called every frame.
// Use this to update the text Texture's props (thisProps).
(thisProps) => {
thisProps.text = `Score: ${state.score}`;
// A Mutable Sprite util to change the Sprites rendered.
// This will be called every frame
() => state.score > props.highScore,
// This will only be called when the return value of the first argument changes.
() => [t2.text({ text: "High score!", color: "black", x: -100 })]
),{ radius: 3, color: "red" }, (thisProps) => {
// To render an array of Textures linked to an array
// The default props
props: (itemState, index) => ({
width: 50,
height: 50,
color: "red",
update: (thisProps) => {
// The array to link to. Element values will be `itemState` in other functions
array: () => lengthFiveArray,
// Set a test id for rectangles in an array
testId: (itemState, index) => `Rect${index}`,
// Use MyMutNestedSprite.Single(...) instead of calling MyMutNestedSprite(...)
// Initial props which won't update
{ index: -1 }
{ index: 20, y: -20 },
// Update function to update MyMutNestedSprite's props (thisProps)
(thisProps) => {
if (thisProps.index > -100) {
// Use .Array to render an array of Sprites, linked to an array.
// The default props
props: (itemState, index) => ({ index: -1 }),
update: (thisProps, itemState, index) => {
thisProps.index = index;
thisProps.y = index * 30 + 50;
// The array to link to. Element values will be `itemState` in other functions
array: () => lengthFiveArray,
// Need a unique key
key: (_, index) => index,
props: () => ({}),
update: (thisProps, itemState) => {
thisProps.x = itemState.x;
thisProps.y = itemState.y;
array: () => state.enemies,
key: (enemy) =>,


A Mutable Sprite cannot use a Context from a non-Mutable Sprite. Create a Context in the normal way but use context.Single. The context prop is a function which is updated every frame to avoid stale values.

import { makeMutableSprite } from "@replay/core";
const ThemeSprite = makeMutableSprite({
render({ props }) {
return [
context: () => props.theme,
sprites: [Button.Single({})],

Be aware that values returned with getContext may not update unless they're mutated, so it can be worth calling getContext in your update callbacks rather than in the body of render.

Native Sprites#

Native Sprites also have an optional 2nd argument, which is used when nested in Mutable Sprites to update their props:

import { makeMutableSprite } from "@replay/core";
import { MyWidget } from "./widget";
const MySprite = makeMutableSprite({
render({ props }) {
return [
id: "MyWidget",
score: props.score,
(thisProps) => {
thisProps.score = props.score;