
Textures are the basic building blocks of things to render on the screen, like a rectangle or image.

If you're coming from React, think of Textures as DOM elements like <div> and <span>.

Common Props#

Textures share the same common props as Sprites, except for id which isn't required.

Textures also accept the optional props:

  • testId: Used by Replay Test.
  • show: Show or hide a texture (default true).

Array Textures#

Using Array Textures (e.g. t.rectangleArray) enables batch rendering for improved performance. The elements in the props arrays share the same common props as other Textures except for the mask prop, which is set once outside of the array.



radius: 5,
color: "#ff0000",


  • radius: Radius of the circle in game coordinates.
  • color: A CSS Level 1 color or 6 char hex (e.g. #ff0000, green).



width: 10,
height: 20,
color: "#ff0000",


  • width: Width of the rectangle in game coordinates.
  • height: Height of the rectangle in game coordinates.
  • color: A CSS Level 1 color or 6 char hex (e.g. #ff0000, green).
  • gradient: (Optional) Override the color prop with a gradient.

Rectangle Array#


props: [
width: 10,
height: 20,
color: "#FF0000",
width: 50,
height: 20,
color: "#0000FF",
x: 100,


  • mask: (Optional) See Mask.
  • props: An array of the following:
    • width: Width of the rectangle in game coordinates.
    • height: Height of the rectangle in game coordinates.
    • color: A CSS Level 1 color or 6 char hex (e.g. #ff0000, green).



color: "#ff0000",
thickness: 2,
path: [
[10, 20],
[10, 30],
[20, 30],


Make sure one of color, fillColor or fillGradient is set, otherwise nothing will be drawn!

  • color: (Optional) A CSS Level 1 color or 6 char hex (e.g. #ff0000, green) of the stroke colour. Default no stroke.
  • fillColor: (Optional) A CSS Level 1 color or 6 char hex (e.g. #ff0000, green) to fill in the shape of the path with a colour. Default no fill.
  • fillGradient: (Optional) Set a fill gradient instead of using the fillColor prop. Default no gradient fill.
  • path: An array of [x, y] coordinates to draw the line.
  • thickness: (Optional) Line thickness. Default 1.
  • lineCap: (Optional) The shape of the line ends. Can be one of:
    • "butt": (Default) The ends of lines are squared off at the endpoints.
    • "round": The ends of lines are rounded.



font: { family: "Calibri", size: 16, align: "left", },
text: "Hello Replay",
color: "#ff0000",


  • text: A string to display.
  • color: A CSS Level 1 color or 6 char hex (e.g. #ff0000, green).
  • gradient: (Optional) Override the color prop with a gradient.
  • strokeColor: (Optional) Apply a stroke to the text, must be a CSS Level 1 color or 6 char hex.
  • strokeThickness: (Optional) Thickness of stroke. Default 1.
  • font: (Optional) Set the font family, size, etc. If any properties are not provided, will cascade from the game's default font (see Top-Level Game).
    • family: (Optional) Font family, e.g. "Helvetica"
    • size: (Optional) Font size, e.g. 20
    • weight: (Optional) Font weight, e.g. "bold", 500
    • style: (Optional) Font style, typically either "normal" (default) or "italic"
    • baseline: (Optional) Alignment of text around y position, can be "top", "hanging", "middle" (default), "alphabetic", "ideographic", "bottom"
    • align: (Optional) Alignment of text around x position, can be "left", "center" or "right". "left" will put the left edge of the text at the Texture's x position. Default "center".



fileName: "player.png",
width: 30,
height: 80,


  • fileName: The name of the file to render. Note that this file must be loaded using preloadFiles before you render the Texture.
  • width: Scale the image to this width in game coordinates.
  • height: Scale the image to this height in game coordinates.

Image Array#


fileName: "enemy.png",
props: [
width: 10,
height: 10,
width: 10,
height: 10,
x: 100,


  • fileName: The name of the file to render. Note batching is only available per image file.
  • mask: (Optional) See Mask.
  • props: An array of the following:
    • width: Scale the image to this width in game coordinates.
    • height: Scale the image to this height in game coordinates.

Sprite Sheet#

The sprite sheet Texture provides a way to render a section of an image. Iterate through the index over time to achieve an animation effect. All tiles should be of equal width and height.


fileName: "player-tiles.png",
columns: 3,
rows: 6,
index: state.frame,
width: 50,
height: 60,


  • fileName: The name of the sprite sheet file to render. Note that this file must be loaded using preloadFiles before you render the Texture.
  • columns: The number of columns of tiles in the sprite sheet.
  • rows: The number of rows of tiles in the sprite sheet.
  • index: The tile to display. An index of 0 will be the top-left tile, moves left to right then top to bottom. An index greater than the number of tiles will loop back to an index of 0.
  • width: Scale the displayed tile to this width in game coordinates.
  • height: Scale the displayed tile to this height in game coordinates.


A colour gradient effect can be achieved through the gradient props. Pass in one of the following objects:

Horizontal Gradient#

  • type: "linearHoriz"
  • colors: An array of CSS Level 1 color or 6 char hex (e.g. #ff0000, green) colours in left to right order spread evenly.
  • opacities: (Optional) An array of opacities for each colour in colors.
  • width: Width between first and last colour in game coordinates.

Vertical Gradient#

  • type: "linearVert"
  • colors: An array of CSS Level 1 color or 6 char hex (e.g. #ff0000, green) colours in top to bottom order spread evenly.
  • opacities: (Optional) An array of opacities for each colour in colors.
  • height: Height between first and last colour in game coordinates.


width: 10,
height: 10,
color: "white",
gradient: {
type: "linearVert",
colors: ["#FF0000", "#0000FF"],
opacities: [0.5, 1],
height: 5,